发布时间: 2016-08-11  浏览次数:


时间: 20168129:00-12:00

地点:江苏师范大学 江苏省教育大数据科学与工程重点实验室204会议室

报告一: Agostino Monorchio 教授,意大利比萨大学

报告题目: Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and Electromagnetic Interference Control (EMIC) of radiating equipment in complex systems: computational methods, procedures and validation measurements for optimal antennas layout.

报告摘要: EMC and EMIC of complex systems are nowadays more reliable and predictable due to the accuracy of available computational methods, allowing a robust design of antennas layout. The aim is to optimize the location of radiating subsystem so to minimize undesired interference and workers' exposition (if present), allowing at the same time the best performance of each subsystem. State-of-the-art computational methods will be shown, together with a system approach, following some practical test cases encountered in our research laboratory. The measurement campaign will be also shown so to validate the entire procedure.

报告人简介Agostino Monorchio is a Professor at the University of Pisa. He spent several research periods at the Electromagnetic Communication Laboratory at Pennsylvania State University (USA), bothasarecipientofascholarship(FellowshipAward)oftheSummaFoundation,New Mexico (USA), and in the framework of CNR-NATO Senior Fellowship program. He has carried out a considerable research activity and technical consultancy to national, EU and U.S. industries,coordinating,asprincipalscientificinvestigator,alargenumber of nationaland Europeanresearchprojects.Heservesasreviewerforinternationaljournals,andhewas AssociateEditorofIEEEAntennasandWirelessPropagationLettersfrom2002to2007. Prof. Monorchio is active in a number of areas including computational electromagnetics, microwavemetamaterials,radiopropagationforwirelesssystems,thedesignand miniaturizationofantennasandelectromagneticcompatibility,biomedicalmicrowaves applications.TheactivityismainlycarriedoutattheMicrowaveandRadiationLaboratory (www.mrlab.it) of the Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa, together with a large group of PhD students, Post-Docs and research associates. He is a member of RaSSNationalLaboratoryofCNIT andin2010heaffiliatedwiththePisaSectionofINFN,theNational Institute of Nuclear Physics.Hisresearchresultshavebeenpublishedinmorethan100journalpapersandbook chapters, and more than 200 communications at international and national conferences, he is co-author of 4 patents. In2012hehasbeen elevatedtoFellowgradebytheIEEEforhiscontributionsto computationalelectromagneticsandforapplicationoffrequencyselectivesurfaces in metamaterials.

报告二: Constantine Balanis 教授,美国亚利桑那州立大学

报告题目Smart Antennas and Beamforming Techniques

报告摘要Smart antenna systems are capable of efficiently utilizing the radio spectrum, and they are a promise for an effective solution to meet the desired performance demands in network and communication systems.Smart antenna technology has been considered for mobile platforms such as automobiles, cellular phones (mobile units), and laptops.Smart antennas integrate many technologies, including antennas, digital signal processing, communications and networks.The advancement and integration of the characteristics of each of these areas is critical to the efficiency and performance of a communication system channel, as measured by Bit-Error-Rate (BER) and network. This presentation will review the basic principles of smart antennas, and present and compare the BER and Throughput of antenna array geometries.

报告人简介Constantine A. Balanis (S'62 - M'68 - SM'74 - F'86 – LF'04) received the BSEE degree fromVirginiaTech,Blacksburg,VA,in1964,theMEEdegreefromtheUniversityof Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, in 1966, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, in l969. From 1964-1970 he was with NASA Langley ResearchCenter,HamptonVA,andfrom1970-1983hewaswiththeDepartmentof ElectricalEngineering,WestVirginiaUniversity,Morgantown,WV.Since1983hehas beenwiththeSchoolofElectrical,ComputerandEnergyEngineering,ArizonaState University,Tempe,AZ,whereheisRegents'Professor.Hisresearchinterestsarein computationalelectromagnetics;flexibleandreconfigurableantennas;low-profileand conformal high impedance surfaces (HIS); and smart antennas.Over the years, he received many awards and recognitions.Dr. Balanis is a Life Fellow of the IEEE, and he is the author of Antenna Theory: Analysis andDesign(Wiley,2016,2005,1997,1982),AdvancedEngineeringElectromagnetics (Wiley, 2012, 1989) and Introduction to Smart Antennas (Morgan and Claypool, 2007), and editorofModernAntennaHandbook(Wiley,2008)andfortheMorgan&Claypool Publishers,seriesonAntennasandPropagationseries,andseriesonComputational Electromagnetics.

报告三:Atef Elsherbeni 教授,美国科罗拉多矿业大学

报告题目Recent Developments in Computational Electromagnetics using The Finite Difference Time Domain Method

报告摘要:Thispresentationwillfocusonrecentdevelopmentsinthefinitedifferencetimedomain method for electromagnetics and antenna applications. First a brief introduction to the method, its capabilities, and the type of lumped circuit elements, linear and non-linear, which can be integrated into an electromagnetic simulation will be presented.Next the analysis and performance of the newly developed absorbing boundary based on the impedance boundary condition will be detailed. The performance of this boundary condition will be assessed by numerical examples containing comparisons with the traditional CPML boundary.The hardwarespeedupofthesemethodsonseveralGPUarchitecturesandbyusingdifferent programming languages will be highlighted.

报告人简介Atef Z. Elsherbeni received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Manitoba University, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, in 1987.Dr. Elsherbeni was with the University of Mississippi from 1987 to 2013. He was a Finland Distinguished professor from 2009 to 2011. In August 2013hejoinedColoradoSchoolofMineswhereheisnowthe Dobelman Distinguished Chair Professor and the Electrical Engineering DivisionDirector.Hisresearchinterestincludesthescatteringand diffractionof EMwaves,finite-differencetime-domainanalysisofantennasand microwavedevices,fieldvisualizationandsoftwaredevelopmentforEMeducation, interactions of electromagnetic waves with the human body, RFID and sensor integrated FRIDsystems,reflectorandprintedantennasandantennaarrays,andmeasurementof antennacharacteristicsandmaterialproperties.Dr.ElsherbeniisaFellowmemberof IEEE and ACES. He is the Editor-in-Chief for ACES Journal. He was the general Chair for the 2014 APS-URSI Symposium and was the president of ACES Society from 2013 to 2015.


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